CURIEosity Team for CERN: BL4S!!!

Beamline for schools
CERN is offering high-school students from around the world the chance to create and perform a scientific experiment on a CERN accelerator beamline. What better way to learn about physics? Now in its fourth year, the Beamline for Schools competition is open to teams of at least 5 students aged 16 and up with at least one adult supervisor, or "coach". Find out about the beamline and facilities via, then think of a simple, creative experiment. Submit your written proposal and short video by the end of March 2016. Previous winners have tested webcams and classroom-grown crystals in the beamline, others have studied how particles decay and investigated high-energy gamma rays.

Our experiment
Muons scattering tomography
The aim of the experiment is to achieve the detection of high-z materials, like lead (Pb), which could have been possibly used to conceal a radioactive source. Through this process by detecting lead, we can identify suspicious sources that are not detected by ionizing radiation detectors, because of this shield.

Our team has also given presentations for the young hotel guests in the area and has organised workshops for young students of our community, during these workshops the video was filmed.

Good Luck CURIEosity !!!
