We participate in the 1st national competition CanSat in Greece.

 Our team, CURIEosity team, was formed in summer of 2016. Driven by the passion of its members about science and their will for learning, they managed to be one of the teams participating in the 1st national competition CanSat in Greece. All the team’s students have some special talent, an absolute will for learning and an overwhelming desire to embrace the scientific world by bringing their own innovative ideas into reality.

The team’s members are:
Maria Christoforaki, Stratos Sakarakis, Filia Mavrikaki, Antonis Papazoglou, Aggelos Odyseakis, Efsevia Tzedaki, Konstantina Ksilouri, Marianna Restivaki, Dimitra Dafermou, Eirini Odyseaki, Maria Mertaraki

Our goals, as a team, are the following:
1)Enriching our knowledge at the field of science, mathematics, physics and technology
2)Earning experience through a collective effort regarding science
3)Building friendships with classmates equivalently passionate with the scientific sector

Our satellite’s construction lies on the following 3 pillars:
